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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Full on nothing 136 | 11.26.01 2:30 pm

Hey... this day is flying by. I have to go to class tonight, I'm not thrilled. I hate class. I need to take my GRE and just attend grad school online. That's all I have patience for.

Food, ugh.
Special K 150??
Diet Dew yuck 0
Water yum 0
Baby carrots 10
Starkist tuna kit 210
Total 370

Not bad.

The thing is I feel completely bloated. I don't get it. I ate, like, NOTHING, and yet I want to barf. Maybe I'm still sick from the pretzel I had at the flea market a few days ago. It wasn't pretty and I felt like shite. Cleaned out my system, though. Happy thoughts, huh????

Well, ana4life, I'm here, online, and where are you?! You signed my guestbook, so I know you're around, but you're not on Messenger! I want to see your pics! Come on!!! (whine whine)

I'm upset. I can't explain why. I want to start my own business so I can work my own hours. The SFC used to pay the Roberts Group $20,000 a year for the same service I'm giving them. I could work for three groups, charge less, and still make a comfortable income.

Did you know Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts? I want to start collecting Barbies. I already collect hardcover Stephen King novels. I want to collect Barbies and angel stuff, too.

Okay, back to work. Time to photocopy and mail.

Oh yeah, one last thing, got this from A4l4m, I like this idea:

Music: David Gray
Weight: 136
Hair: In a ponytail
On my mind: Damn copier is taking too long

Part 2

Just an addendum, on food specifically:
Carrot sticks 30
Chicken broth with some dehydrated veggies 15
Tortellini & sauce 390

Wicked big grin.

Still bloated and feeling terribly full.

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06