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Angel Without Wings
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Create a plan 135 | 11.27.01 9:26 am

Kara sent this to us two days ago.

1. List 15 healthy foods that you enjoy eating and are willing to prepare/purchase.

1. celery
2. rice cakes
3. baby carrots
4. tomatoes
5. sushi
6. lettuce
7. chicken broth
8. veggie burgers
9. cottage cheese
10. Kashi
... this is harder than I thought, I will work more on this one later.

2. Describe 2 favorite breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Now refine this menu so that incorporates at least 2/3 (10) of the foods you listed above.

1. cereal
2. toast with light butter or reduced fat peanut butter

1. sushi
2. tuna sandwich or tuna salad

1. veggie burgers
2. pizza... oops, how did that get in there?

the only thing I would change is the pizza :( maybe to rice and chicken or something like that... and I have salad quite a bit for lunch, but it's not one of my favorites

3. Name 4 physical activities that you enjoy. Include things suck as bowling, dancing, gardening- anything that makes you break a sweat. Fit at least 2 of these into your schedule this week.

2. cleaning (need to vacuum the house!!)
3. does sex count?
4. cycling

4. Make a list of all the reasons that you don�t take the time, effort, or money to incorporate healthy eating or physical activity into your daily life. Now go through the list again and next to each excuse, write why you should override it.

1. my second job takes up a lot of time -- I don't think it really does, I devote a lot more time to it than I have to. I could make it more efficient and spend more time doing physical activities
2. classes take a lot of time and I have a hard time getting to the gym even before class -- this is just my nerves coming through, I get nervous before class and feel I can't exercise properly, I don't know why this is, but it is nonsense. I just need to get to work a little earlier on those days so I can have adequate time after work and before class to work out.
3. I just don't feel like it -- but I would feel better if I just went, then I would feel reenergized!
4. I feel really self-conscious at the gym, like people are sizing me up -- well, maybe they are, but the more I go, the better I will fare against them!

5. Looking at a calendar, pick a date a year from today. Imagine what you will look and feel like if you don�t get started. Now, imagine yourself if you do.

Who would I choose for this??? Gisele Bunchen, I think. I LOVE her in the Victoria's Secret catalogs. The pink ad keeps coming to mind. The legs, the arms... that's how I want to look.

A good day yesterday, less than 1000 calories. I ended up having about half a glass of wine before I went to bed, so that was about 50 calories added to the 805 I ate the rest of the day. I feel empowered. I have only had Special K today, and I will try to make that it. I will no doubt be hungry later, and if I start to get dizzy, I'll probably break down and have a tuna kit. That's fair, though. Still low in calories.

We're having a huge meeting on Vanilla today, and most everyone is in the conference room. I must work hard today and try lots of chemicals.

My stats:
Music: None at the moment, maybe madonna when I go into the labs
Weight: 135
Hair: Down, parted on the side, it's almost to my elbows now... I forgot an elastic today, too, so when I go into the labs, i will need to rig something up, but I have some bobby pins, so I won't have to use rubber elastics
In my head: I hate it here, I want to go home.

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06