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Angel Without Wings
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Fishing for a ring - Joplin | 11.28.01 1:12 pm

Oi. Lunch. How hectic. I lied. I'm here. So sue me.

I'm doing well today, organizing and such. MO told me she would teach me how to use the gum mixer. Yay! Something fun! I'm also supposed to learn to use the spray drier, and I'm supposed to be the main operator. FInally, WORK.

Food, a theme here at my abode:
Special K 150
Cucumbers 60
Lettuce with dressing 90
Grape Tomatoes 15
Half a bagel 120
Apple 80
Total 510
It's a little more than I planned on, but not excessive.

My BMR is 1406.90
My AMR is 1969.66

So if I took in 840 calories yesterday and my base metabolic rate is 1400 and I exercised 300 extra calories, then I had a total loss of 860 calories yesterday. I like that.

No big epiphanies today. Just a story. I was SUPER nice to R on Sunday. He has been so lazy, and I think I've been contributing to his laziness. Anyway, I made dinner, then cleaned up the kitchen, and made him cookies. All without him asking. I brought him his food on the couch and took away his plates. The whole time, he was saying things like, "What is it you want? What do you want in return for this? Why are you being so nice to me?" I was just in a mode, I can't explain it. I told him just not to question it, to just accept it. And finally he says, "Are you fishing for a ring?" And I laughed so hard. No. This is the last thing I would do if I was fishing for a ring. And I told him as much. I hadn't even thought of that. He already calls me a good little wifey. Whatever. It was cute.

I have the BEST CAT EVER. Joplin. She is so adorable, and especially so since R and I got back from Florida. She has to be within sight of one of us at all times. When we come near her, she meows to be petted and rubs up against your leg. She LOVES to have her belly rubbed. And her head. And her wiskers. And her back. She purrs and purrs and purrs. She has been sleeping up between our heads in bed instead of down by our feet. She slept on Rob's head two nights ago. She even greets us at the door when we get home. I swear she thinks she is a dog. Yesterday morning I left the bathroom door ajar while I was brushing my hair, and she pushed it open with her head just so she could watch me. She is adorable!!!!!! I love my cat.

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06