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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Burnt on hot chewing gum 132.5 | 11.29.01 3:59 pm

I was going to stay away today, but I'm home now because I burnt my hand on some hot chewing gum. Long story. I was good today, did lots of work. Didn't check my email, didn't slack off. Well, just a little. I worked on a puzzle book while I waited for the gum to soften so I could mix in flavors. But that's still working!

I was wondering the other day what happened to my Best Buy statement. I opened the account in October when I bought Rob's birthday present. It hit me yesterday that it probably went out about the time of the anthrax scare at Hamilton Township postoffice..... it's my local area's distribution center. An announcement was made a couple days ago that the mail that was held up for irradiation will be going out no earlier than Thursday. Maybe I'll see my statement soon..... Scary.

Almost forgot food:
I'm gonna sum up, yesterday was ~1070. Today will be higher than that. I had no energy, I had to eat to be productive. Lame excuse, I know.
Total cereal 210
1/2 glass OJ 55
Plain tuna 100
Potato salad 110
3D Doritos (DOH!) 130
1/2 glass cranberry juice 60
Current total: 665
I'm not gonna do well for weigh-in tomorrow!!!!!

Well, I really have nothing else to say except it is shitty outside and cold in here. I think I'll turn up the heat a little bit and make me some tea. Then get some work done and go to class. Ugh, class. The madness ends December 14th, and then I don't have to feign this interest in Physics any more. I got a B on my last test. Figures.

Music: My cat's meowing
Weight: 132.5
Mood: Tired
Hair: French braided
IMH: Want to sleep.... so sleepy.... only one dt. mt. dew today..... so tired.... HEY CAT STOP SCRATCHING THE FURNITURE!!!!


P.S. Please sign the guestbook if you stop by! I like knowing that there are living, breathing people out there who are stumbling upon my humble writings. It makes me feel better about this crazy world.

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06