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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Where did everyone go? 131 | 12.04.01 2:08 pm

I hate how everyone goes away.

It's always the same, I find a diary I like and that person stops writing for some bizarre reason. Whether it's because their parents find it, or their bosses find it, or it represents failure to them.... very odd.

It does not make me happy.

I can see myself staying here for quite some time. I like writing about my ho-hum life and sharing it with the cyberwaves. I may not be special, but LOOK! I've got a web page all about me! Very selfish, I know.

And I like reading others' diaries. I hate it when I finally get someone's life, and then they disappear. That's been happening to me since day 1.

I never mentioned that Rob's dad lost his job. He was fired. He's been a plumber working for this particular guy for years, and one day he fires him. Says that the kids who come from the trade school aren't going to work with him anymore. R says it makes sense, his dad is a dick. I can see why he was fired. It just sucked. But I guess he already found another job, so whatever. I wish he could have learned something from this, like keep your goddamn mouth shut, you are not god. Anyway.

Food, doing okay:
Diet Fuel 110
Chicken corn and salsa on flour tortillas ~250
Total so far 360

That other calorie count layout just pissed me off. It was like I was TRYING to reach 1400, and I want to keep the number as low as possible. It's just so psychological. The smaller the number of calories, the smaller I'll be.

I was going to go to the gym today, but R and I desperately need to go food shopping. Oh the irony. So we need to go do that and then I will have all sorts of healthy food to binge on and the calories won't add up! Like I really want to get more celery. I don't really like celery, but it fills me up and is really good for me. Plus, I want to get some more kashi. I love that stuff, I don't know why.

Well, enough about that. My stats:
Music: Tori, strange little girls
Weight: 131, holding steady... need to go to the gym!
Hair: Back in a bright green ponytail elastic that matches my sweater... and it smells good, but all I can smell right now is my Victoria's Secret moisturizer
Mood: Scatterbrained
IMH: I want to get on with my life already


Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06