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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Sudden Perspective | 12.05.01 3:00 pm

Part 3

A moment ago I just thought, what the hell am I complaining about?

It's not like planes crashed into buildings or anything almost three months ago. It's not like the world came crashing down.

I am so selfish. All I can think about is poor me. What an ass.

Time to think about something bigger. Something more than just "I feel lousy today." Enough. Suck it up, fatso.

I just called U of Phoenix online and they gave me all sorts of info on signing up for courses. It sounds PERFECT for me. No commute, no parking tags, just information in a 6 week course format and communication with your professor and peers. Utterly perfect. The guy I talked to is pressuring me to apply by Friday so I can start on December 13th. I'm a little hesitant. My final for the physics course is December 14th. They shouldn't coincide, but.... I don't know, it's money and stuff. But I WANT an MBA. I WANT to start my own business. What in the world makes me think this is not the right road to go down. I keep thinking maybe I should ask for my parents' advice. I need to get SOMEONE'S advice. I don't really want Rob's because he's just against me starting any classes, I know it. He's CAUTIOUS. I don't want to be cautious. Oh, sure, with my money, of course. But if I could get a loan, why shouldn't I go for it? I don't want to go back to school in a physical sense. I just want information and help to digest it. This would be ideal for me! Well, I guess I'll write a letter to my parents anyway. At least I can use their input as a defense with Rob... if they even support me.

You know, my sister used to call me Fats. Short for fatso. That was when I was a twig. I started putting on weight and my dad made her stop calling me that. It never insulted me. Today it would, but that's different. I remember kids teasing me because I was fat in 4th grade. I didn't care! Now my sister calls me Munch. Short for Munchkin. Because I'm about 6" taller than her. I once called her "Wedge Muffin," she seems to love that name, but I don't use it with any regularity. It makes me smile to think of that name. Wedge Muffin. Ha!

I love my sister, Wedge Muffin. (cracking up)

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