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Angel Without Wings
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So happy with myself | 12.07.01 3:50 pm

I called my parents on the way home from class last night and they told me not to apply to Phoenix Online. They said they didn't want to see me struggle with student loans the way my sister does. They said I don't really need an MBA in order to run a business. It would be far better to find a SCORE (?) society and take classes with them. I also want to buy some books. Like "Starting a Business for Dummies" if there is such a book. I bet there is. I am already working for one company, and I have the drive to do more. Why do I have to PAY someone to teach me how to do that? It just doesn't make sense. I'm glad I talked to them. While we were talking, I realized that if they had given me the advice unsolicited, I would have been furious. It's because they are ALWAYS right. And that makes me so mad. Because they were telling me my idea was a bad one. But they have been right about so many things before that I really have no choice but to take their advice. It's really obnoxious that they know everything.

My parents know everything. Do yours?


I am incredibly tired today. C asked me a little while ago if I wanted to go see a movie with her and some of her friends. I said yes, but now I don't think so. The movie starts at 9, and I don't know if I can stay awake all the way until 11. So tired.

Food, ugh. Diet fuel for breakfast. I had some tuna for lunch and celery sticks. I drank my two diet dews, and desperately wanted another. However, I keep them in my trunk, and R has my car today! So I had a regular dew. So my calorie intake so far today has been 505. I noticed a trend in my diary as far as my weight is concerned. I've lost 1/2 to 1 pound per day, except when I excercised, and then I lost 2 pounds. How is this possible? Usually I exercise more than I have in the last two weeks. The demands of my second job have kept me from it. But I'm not anorexic. I eat. I repeat, how the hell is this possible?

I'm not complaining.

Oh, and now I've probably jinxed myself. Great. I was kind of liking the fact that my favorite gap pants are on and not choking me. In fact, they're loose. :) I'm quite pleased with myself.

Well, I will probably plateau soon anyway. I've changed my diet, and my body is reacting. I'll hit a place where my body is in equilibrium, and then I will have to work harder. I hope that is not soon. I haven't been a solid 130 in at least 2 years.

Did I mention I like it that way?

I'm so PLEASED, I don't think I can say it enough. I'm on a roll. With a side of fries. No! A side of carrot sticks. Yeah. That's more like it.

I could really get used to this.

Okay, enough for now. My office STINKS of stuff from C&A, time to go compound some flavors. YUMMY!


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