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Gunt - fried mail 130 | 12.07.01 8:48 am

Not much this morning to talk about....

Except for a conversation R and I had last night about insurance and money. He said there may be a way for me to be on his insurance at his new job as a domestic partner. That's very good, because that was one of my major concerns about moving and finding a new job, as in, I don't want a permanent job, and insurance through temp agencies suck. The other thing was talking about joint checking accounts vs. separate checking accounts. I won't go into the detail of our discussion, except that he said several times, "...when we are married." (((high pitched squeal!!!!!!))) And then at the end of that conversation, he came up behind me, as I was doing dishes, and he started kissing my neck and whispered, "I love you, you know." I LOVE IT when he does that. I just melt.

So, anyway, yesterday was the last Physics lab. I will miss Lauren and Jac. They are AWESOME.

Yesterday's food:
Special K 150
Veggie sandwich ??? maybe 250?
Gardenburger on english muffin 260
Mac and Cheese 270
Total 930! Wow, I didn't even try yesterday, and I stayed under 1000. Cool.

I guess it's no wonder then that I weighed myself this morning and the scale told me 130.

R asked me last night why I wasn't having a drink with my dinner, and I said it's just more calories that I don't need. He said, "Who cares?"
And I replied, hey, I've lost 5 pounds" (at least, I was thinking), "don't knock it."
He said, "Yeah, I thought your gunt looked smaller."
"Your gunt."
"What the hell is a gunt?"
"It's your gunt. You know... it's above your..."
"You're gonna have to say it sweetheart, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"The gut about your unt."
"Ummmm.... okay."
"What you would call your pudge."

How crude.

We got our irradiated mail yesterday. Frightening. Our PSE&G bill was in there. No wonder we didn't pay it last month. Another letter was in the bag they sent us. Everything was FRIED. They looked like they had been browned in an oven, and they ripped apart like they were ancient. R was angry that they went through all that trouble. Who cares, he said. I got all upset because people died from anthrax that someone sent through the mail. Ooooo, he said, 4 people. I said, no one had died of anthrax in years, just one case was a serious matter! Well, he just wouldn't see reason. I'm glad my mail was irradiated. I don't want to die.

Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin!

Gotta go to the meeting.

Music: None
Weight: 130!
Hair: Down, not blow dried
IMH: If I were my boss I'd fire me.


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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06