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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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If the pants fit, wear them 130 | 12.11.01 9:32 am

Someday I really am going to type in I swear. Instead, I flub it up by typing That's bad enough.

Anyway, I don't think R got me a ring. I just... don't think so. We'll see. Maybe he really was looking at satellite dishes.

Yesterday I wore my black straight leg pants. I love them. I got them this summer and only wore them twice. They made my saddlebags look ginormous. R had said to me, "Those pants aren't very flattering." So I put the pants on Sunday and they fit really well!!!! So I wore them yesterday, and when I got home, R said, "Are those new?" I said no and told him what he had said before about them. He said, "Well, they look really good now." :)

And so. Food yesterday equalled about 725 calories! :) I had pasta with chicken last night for dinner, and that was only 400 calories, plus a tiny piece of cheese, which I rounded up to being 25 calories. But no luck this morning. Still 130. It must have to do with the fact that it's that time of the month. Errrrrggghhhh. I hate that. I really want to get that implant that makes you not get your period. Norplant? I REALLY want that.

Welliewelliewelliewell my droogs. What's it going to be, eh?

So far today, just a piece of toast, 100. If today is like yesterday, I won't want to eat, and I'll be good good good! R and I are going food shopping tonight for real. We were lazy last week, so we didn't go, and we've been cleaning out the cupboards for food. Sometimes that's a good thing. When else would we eat the Ramen noodles? But we need more veggies in our diet. Anyway, it's my turn to pay tonight, and I haven't been eating much, so I'm hoping it will be cheaper than usual.

Last recitation was yesterday. I'm SO glad. Stick a fork in me, I'm done with physics. Final is Friday.

My mind is a clutter, so I must go purge it.

Music: White Ladder, David Gray
Weight: 130 grrrr....
Mood: Tired
Hair: Down, long, roots are so obvious
IMH: Stupid contacts

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06