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Angel Without Wings
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Champagne and Christmas - 127 | 12.18.01 9:51 am

What a crappy day!

It's like a hurricane blew in today. It's raining. It's windy. It's cold. Ugh.


R and I celebrated last night. Went out and bought a bottle of champagne, drank it all, had a little vodka too. I don't feel well. If I had any more vacation time, I would take it now. Well, I still have some personal days left. My body aches all over. I woke up at 5 or so with stomach cramps, and at 6 I got out of bed and took a shower. Why stay in bed, I figured. When I got out of the shower, R asked me when I didn't come back to bed. I said I didn't want to... and then I realized how tired I was. I crawled back into bed and fell right to sleep. I got up at 8. Ahhh. Now I'm here. Grrrr....

Food's a trip.
Previous 510
Ravioli 450?
Champagne ???
Vodka ???
Cranberry juice 150
So I broke 1000 yesterday, easily. I'll live. My body is getting rid of stuff like crazy today. It's not at all pleased with me. It didn't find the champagne as fun as I did. My tummy feels flat, though, however cramped it might be. I'm wearing my favorite black pants today. Not only are they NOT tight, they are loose, and I keep having to pull them up. Yay!

I tried to make some toffee pecan thing yesterday. I messed it up. I increased the amount of butter by 1/2 but then forgot to increase everything else. I'm such a dolt. So I have some mushy sweet butter with pecans in it on my stove. I refrigerated it last night as a final effort to make it work. Now I will let it sit at room temperature so I can scoop it out and try over. They smelled SO GOOD though. I didn't eat any, don't worry. ;)

I hope we go out and get a tree tonight. I desperately want one, just a little one. We have only about 3 ornaments anyway. I will make some garlands, out of paper chains or popcorn, and string them around the tree. I also bought Martha Stewart Living (I KNOW! I can't believe I did that -- R made such fun of me for it) and they had some good ideas of how to decorate a tree in there. I'll made some paper stars and put them up. I went out last night and bought the obligatory "First Christmas Together" ornament. It's not really our first, because we have been together for almost 5 years, and we spent Christmas together in France in 1998, but STILL. It's our first Christmas as a little unit. :) I'm so happy.

Which brings up an interesting point. This morning I realized this is the happiest I have ever been. I have so many things going for me, and I am on top of the world. I am even happier than when I lived with MH and RH, which was the previous standing high for happiness. I am SO BLESSED. I can't wait to get back up to Mass and be with our family and friends. It will be SO PERFECT. Couldn't you just strangle me? I'm all rainbows and puppydogs. Okay, enough.

Oh, R got the townhouse! It's so exciting. But we can't move in until mid-February. That sort of sucks. We might have to put our stuff into storage. Oh well, it could be much worse! I will have my laptop computer and printer with me in temporary living, that's for sure. Dial-up, here I come.

I must to work now. These papers are calling me. Man, I am hungry. I want pancakes and sausage. And tuna casserole. Ooooo, and some eggs would be really nice. I always get the munchies the day after I get drunk. My body is desperately trying to keep the nutrients. Ah well. Back to the daily grind.

Music: On the Beach, York, Now That's What I Call Music! 46
Weight: 127
Mood: Groggy
Gas: Didn't check, probably still $0.919
Hair: Down, looks greasy although I washed it with Paul Mitchell
IMH: Why am I always so godamn cold?

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My current state is: The current mood of at

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Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06