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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Buddy Lee - Religion - 127 | 12.19.01 1:45 pm

Hey! It's been such a day. I came in and decorated Buddy Lee. Someone brought in a Buddy Lee bobble head doll, you know, from the Levis commercials? Someone else made a paper towel jacket for him to keep him warm. I added a Santa hat and jacket with cotton balls as fur, and C help me put a beard of cotton balls on him. We took pictures with her digital camera, I should put a pic of it up here, it's adorable! Anyway, then I went straight into the lab to made some emulsions. That was fun. Time consuming too. This is the first chance I've had to sit down all day. It makes me happy. :)

So, last night, I made goodies. Brownies, hazelnut bars, and started the chocolate chip cookies. All from scratch! I'm so proud! So tonight I need to finish the cookies and start the chocolate covered cherry cookies. Hmmmm, those look good. Then I need to buy some tins and fill them up with these treats and give them to my coworkers. People have already started exchanging gifts. I don't feel right opening anything until I give them their gifts though.

Oh, I found out the temp is Muslim! I think that is the coolest thing. He was very open about it and asked me if I had any questions, because he wants to make sure people don't automatically associate his religion with Bin Laden. I learned a lot today. It's refreshing to see a person completely devoted to their religion. I wish I could feel that way about SOME religion. I'm Roman Catholic, which is good and bad. I'm happy I was raised this way, but it's a very restricting religion. I mean, how the HECK could MO have been a virgin, and Jesus was the son of God HOW, and the saints are there for what reason? Don't bother trying to answer the questions, I'm just getting them off my chest. I know all the arguments. I just don't feel comfortable with them. But I DO believe in ANGELS. 100%. I believe that my grandma is one of my angels, and she watches me, making sure I make good choices and keeping me out of harm's way. But I can't prove it. It's just a feeling.

Food yesterday:
Special K 150
Tuna kit 210
Tomatoes 30
Cucumber 80
A few nachos 150???
Tuna casserole (YUM) 400???
Two cookies (cringe) 150
Total 1170

Hmmm, one might say I'm out of control. I can't keep the consumption level down, although I'm still at 127. Yesterday was an exception though, because I was SO hungry from that hangover. I needed some nutrients. The cookies were not necessary. I was "eating my mistakes" when I had those because they fell apart. R didn't want them (wow!) so I had to get rid of them somehow! The trash was a better candidate looking back on it. But hindsight is always 20/20. My butt is much bigger, though.

R just called me to ask if I can take Wednesday through Friday off. I don't think I'll get paid for it, and I need the money! I need to go ask.

Food so far today:
Diet Fuel 170
PB crackers 190
Chicken Noodle Soup 50
4 pecans 40
Total 450

Music: None
Gas: ?
Weight: 127
Mood: Grouchy
Hair: Messy ponytail
IMH: Let it snow already!

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06