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Angel Without Wings
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My dull weekend - 128 | 01.07.02 12:02 pm

This weekend was alright. I was sick the whole time. We went shopping on Saturday. I bought frames for my two cross stitching projects and dropped them off at the Cross Stitch Corner. Then we went to Sam's and spent almost $300 on 14 items. R bought (or rather, I bought) a shaver. He has never used a shaver before. He cut up his face and everything and didn't even get a good cut. I asked him if maybe there was a lotion he was supposed to use, and he said yes but he didn't want to spend the money on it. Hello? So now he wants to return it. I am trying to get him to invest in that lotion.

Yesterday I spent most of the day reconciling dues for the society. I also put together my reconciliation so they will be paying me almost $2300. Thank God. I need to pay off one of my credit card bills because the intro rate has just ended. Now I will only have one card, and it will be so much easier. I thought I was sinking into debt, but looking back 6 months ago, I had a higher balance than I do now. I'm not doing too badly.

I still have a cold which I'm not pleased about. I feel just about the same today as I did on Friday, and I left work at about 10:30 to sleep the rest of the day away. If I want to leave today, I'm SOL because R has my car.

R suggested that maybe I am sick because I don't want to go to work. Very possible.

I tried something Saturday night that worked really well. I imagined all the things I would do Sunday. I thought about getting up as soon as I woke up, what I would put on, that I would go for a long walk/run, where I would go, how much time I would put in, the work I would do after.... all that. And it actually worked! I got up at 8:30 on Sunday morning (very rarely can I actually sleep in) and put on my thermals and went for a nice long chilly walk. That is my favorite time of day, early in the morning when no one else is up and you have the world to yourself. I got back, took a shower, and R and I, uh, frolicked for a while. Then he made me breakfast. After, he watched football and I worked. I enjoyed yesterday because it was thought out and used efficiently. I hate wasting time. I ESPECIALLY liked yesterday because I got money matters taken care of. Not knowing my financial status bugs me more than anything and keeps me on edge.

Anyway, we watched the Simpsons and then R popped in his Braveheart DVD and we watched with the audio commentary from Mel Gibson. Learned a lot, but MAN is that ever a depressing movie.

Which reminds me, we watched Full Iron Jacket on Saturday. I had seen bits and pieces of it in college. I had nightmares about it last night. I don't think the reserves are for me. I take it back.

Also saw Office Space. Whatever. C loved it, but I thought it was a little dull. Maybe just because I would never let my boss walk all over me like that. Plus, watched The Grinch. Again, whatever. The costuming, makeup, sets, etc. were FANTASTIC, but I guess I'm just sick of Jim Carrey.

We rented Shanghai Noon, which I had already seen, but R had not. At the end, he said, THAT WAS SO BAD, WHY DID WE RENT THAT? But then the outtakes always make the movie. So it was worth the money in the end. I can't stand that Owen guy.

People are eating, I should join them. (Sighing.)

Only 7 more days.

Music: None / Gas: $0.919 / Hair: Down, very boring / Mood: Ill / Weight: 128 / IMH: Headache go away, I just want to go home and sit my ass in front of the tv with some cross stitching.

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