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Angel Without Wings
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Back from Tucson with a vengeance - 127 | 01.24.02 2:00 pm

I'm back in the armpit of the nation. Beautiful weather we're having too. I think for the first time ever I want to go back to Tucson. It was so nice and mild and sunny... So wonderful!

Well, my trip went very well. I was so worried about flying. Nothing interesting of note on the flight to Tucson. I got severe chest pains as soon as I sat down at the gate in Newark. It was the lining of my lung acting up, but I didn't realize what it was until I was on the plane. So 6 hours of sitting upright in dull pain. As soon as I leaned over or anything... ZAP! Pleasant. I had to buy some Advil in Las Vegas... $2? What a ripoff. That's what I get for forgetting my megabottle of it at home.

On the way back, I got the full dealy coming through security. Take off the shoes. Take a sip of your water. Patted down. At least I didn't have to strip. They went through some of my stuff too and they had to scan my purse twice... probably because I had so much shit in it.

I took the train from Newark to Princeton Junction. Ugh. I could have done without that. C picked me up (SO SWEET!) and I got home at 10:15AM. I figured I was already awake, so why go to sleep? I did some work for the society, and then realized my eyes were drooping, so I laid down. Oh, the hours of sleep that ensued! I slept so well and so much!

R's mom's appendix burst last Thursday. She stayed out of work Thursday because she was in pain, but her husband told her it was just the flu... and this guy is a health teacher???? Anyway, that afternoon, he took her to the hospital. It took 8 hours to diagnose!!!!! When they went in to remove the appendix, it had burst and was gangreen (sp?). She did well over the weekend, but then started vomiting on Monday, and since she hadn't eaten anything... she was throwing up bile. A tube was put down her nose to drain the fluid from her stomach. Then they did an xray of her intestines, and there was a blockage. It might be scar tissue, in which case they'll have to go back in! Poor lady.... I'm praying for her. I'm hoping my guardian angels go and take care of her for a while. She needs them more than I do.

So, I only gained 2 pounds. I find that incredibly hard to believe, but whatever. I didn't get too much sleep, so maybe I burned up all the stuff I ate. My dad is a food addict, I have come to decide. As soon as I arrived in Tucson, he said, "Is anybody hungry?" It was 2 AM! No, dad. We're not going to Jack in the Box at this hour. No one is hungry. Every five minutes he was offering me and my brother something to eat. Such a glutton! I couldn't believe it. He said he was starting a diet that is proven effective, to which I replied something like, "Yeah, only if you eat like a normal person." He just doesn't get it. I think I will try to get him to read that book that Killandra talks about. I really think he may be a sugar addict on top of everything else.

My niece is pure joy! She is adorable, and I loved holding her and playing with her! I was attached to her the entire time she was over. She loves being thrown in the air. She also loves being held upside down. She puts her two index fingers in the corners of her mouth and just smiles as she sways back and forth upside down. Too funny. And she just LOVES her Lovey. That's her teddy bear. They are inseparable. It's like a reunion whenever you give her Lovey... She laughs and smiles, grabs Lovey and hugs him so tightly, while her right thumb goes directly into her mouth. Oh, I love her so much!

I also worked on my brother's webpage while I was there. I promised him a webpage one or two Christmases ago, so I FINALLY put it together with pictures that he brought with him. Take a look at it! My bro!

So that's the quick and dirty. I'm working on three cross stitching projects now. One is a Precious Moments with the Lord's Prayer for R's niece, whose first birthday is next weekend, the second is for my parents, with Psalm 100, and the third is the Angel of Winter from Lavender and Lace - for myself. Without knowing too much about me, you might think I'm extremely religious! Funny. I'm not. I'm spiritual I think. Not religious. My family is religious, so that's a big part of it. I really need to finish Seat of the Soul so I can better explain the whole guardian angel thing. Basically, everybody has at least two guardian angels guiding them and helping them through life. There are fallen angels who can be guardian angels too, and that's why some people can go wrong in life. Well, gotta read that book.

I bought two modeling books and I've started reading those. Basically, I'm 1/2 inch too short, but who cares. If that's the least of my problems, I'll be all set. I'm going to look into open calls as agencies in Boston. Woohoo!

Oh, and I bought 5 CDs at Target this morning. Nelly Furtado, Pink, Jewel, Britney, and Alicia Keys. Yeah... I'm on a pop kick right now.

Nothing else deep to talk about. Just trying to clean up the apartment for when the movers come and looking for a job up north. Life is going pretty well.

Much Love!!!!!!

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