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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Lazy - 127 | 01.25.02 3:46 pm

Ah, a lazy day. And Friday to boot. I got up at 10:30 because the phone rang. I guess it had rung two times before according to the caller id, but I only heard it the once! Tired....

Weird. Got up and headed to the bathroom. Stripped, and prepared to dye my hair. I put the colorant in the dye, and then I heard my cell phone. I didn't make it to the phone in time, but it was C and she left a message. I was standing in the kitchen, completely naked, checking the message, and someone walks up to my door and rings the bell and knocks really loudly. I hop out of the line of sight because there are two windows at the top of the door and if you jump you can see right in. The person doesn't go away. He rings the door again and knocks. Why isn't he going away. Well, then I hear a key in the lock! I yell, "HELLO?!" To which I hear, "Maintenance!" What the hell? I yell, "Hold on!" I go rustle up some clothing and open the door. A man in a uniform says he is from the condo association and needs to check the gas and water. He said a flier had been sent out on Monday.... Huh? I said, "I didn't get the flier and I was just about to take a shower." He promises it will only take 5 minutes. Ugh. I let him in and watch him carefully. I know where the phone is. The next neighbor is only a scream away. But he's quick and efficient and I apologize for the state of the place. What what the hell? What if he had come a minute later and I was already in the shower? What would have happened then????? My anxiety about the house being broken into or something is already bad enough! I didn't need this.

Anyway, then I dyed my hair. It's a nice light strawberry blonde. It was blonde before, but the roots (dirty blond) were embarassingly long. I'm sick of blond right now. So I went with red. With my luck, the red will fade out, just like the last time I did it. But I used Revlon last time, and my hair hasn't seemed to like Revlon lately. My hair HATES Clairol. I refuse to use any Clairol products.

Finished drying my hair and got dressed. Then I realized that I didn't want to do anything. I wanted to go back to sleep. Oh well. I sat down in front of the TV and watched The Matrix for the millionth time. I had some carrots, and one was gushy in the center. Ew. So now I feel sick to my stomach. I cross stitched a tiny bit. Now I'm here. I am meeting with C and her boyfriend, plus whoever else comes along, and we are going to dinner! She suggested Japanese, I'm very excited! Well, I'm looking forward to any food at this point. I've been pretty good today with food. Not like last night. I had a huge stomach ache, and I thought maybe it was because I needed to eat something. I can't back up that logic now, but it made sense then. And it worked too. Some pasta and gardenburger later, I felt right as rain.

I ran out of Dt. Dew so I am going to the supermarket to get some and a coffee at the Dunkins there. I have become extremely sick of Dew lately. I think I may give it a break and have a little coffee. The coffee I got for Christmas always tastes like shit when I make it, why is that?

R might be coming down tonight. I'm happy and not. I miss him. But I know he will nag me about getting a job and cleaning up the apartment. I don't need that right now. I want to be left alone to get back on my feet all by myself. He nags all the time. It's been nice having a small break. I'm not emotionally set to deal with him right now.

Maybe I can slip in a small nap before I go? Yeah....

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