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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Good day | 02.12.02 1:42 pm

#2 for today

I got so much accomplished today. Still not working, but I'm okay with that. I did work for the Society yesterday and today, so that's a little cash coming in.

I called the dentist and I'm going in a few minutes because they had a cancellation! I emailed the temp agencies to ask them what the hell is up. I called Mail Boxes to see if I had any mail waiting - nope. So I called the post office in NJ from which I am expecting mail, and I got the scoop. Cool. I chose colors for the townhouse. I wanted VIBRANT BOLD colors, but R just wanted plain old white. We compromised. He would choose the rug and I would choose the paint. I still didn't choose anything wild... I don't want him HATING our home, so I chose colors that were basically white with a hint of color. And only 3 colors. One for the living room, dining room, hallways, and loft, and two other colors for the bedrooms. I'm happy but not. I want to paint a room RED, godamit. I LOVE RED ROOMS! THEY ROCK! Hmmm... "I see a red door and I want it painted black"??????


I also emailed G to ask her if her husband could take pictures of me to send to agencies. I still have lots of weight to lose, and I suddenly think I am butt-ugly, but I must try. It's a dream. And no insecure dillusions are going to keep me from trying.

Trying to think of a name for my company. Don't want to use my name. I want to call it somehting like Unconventional Solutions... but that sounds STUPID. And so totally unrelated to what I will bedoing. Something about solutions would be good. But it's only association management. I have to be careful and not make it sound like something it isn't...

Ahh, more blabbing later. Have to go to the torture---- uh, dentist. :)

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
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Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06