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Angel Without Wings
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Money sucks | 02.18.02 9:35 pm

I hate money.

I'm dependent upon it. It sucks.

I started a job on Friday. It has the potential to be really cool, except for some drawbacks. It's making powerpoint presentations for contract proposals. However, there is a chance of A LOT of overtime. Some wouldn't bother me, except that they could tell me that day that I will have to stay until 9 or 10, if not later. Or on Friday, they could tell me that I will have to stay late, as well as come in Saturday and Sunday for 17 hours each day. Yeah... right. I'm not amused.

So I don't think I will keep this job, although R says I should give it a week. I will. But I'm not thrilled.

On Friday, I was paid to surf the web for 4 hours. I was so frickin' bored. I have never been bored surfing the web before. They just didn't have any work to do!

If they let me cross stitch when there's nothing to do, it might be an acceptable job. ;)

So the deal went through on Friday. We painted on Friday through Sunday. On Sunday we also pulled out the carpets. The place is sweet, except that there are all sorts of things wrong that the inspector didn't catch. Most of the pipes need to be replaced. The previous owners had turned off the cold water in the kitchen, because one of the pipes has a hole in it. The garbage disposal leaks. The toilet downstairs runs. One of the pipes leading to the upstairs toilet has a hole. And a pipe under the sink upstairs leaks. WHAT THE FUCK?! So needless to say, R is suing the inspector. The repairs could cost thousands of dollars. The fact that we can't wash dishes (the dishwasher doesn't work, either) or live there properly could keep us from moving in this or next week. Ugh.

But we are still thrilled to have a place! The colors I chose were okay. We're going to repaint one of the bedrooms because the color didn't turn out like I thought it would. We'll probably paint it green or something.

I just can't wait to move in. I hate living in a hotel room.

We hung out with T & S all weekend. T is an old friend of R, and it is so great that his girlfriend and I get along so well. Last night, we came back to the hotel after dinner, and while the boys played XBox we went to Barnes and Noble. We just TALKED AND TALKED AND TALKED! It was so cool. And when we went to check out (I bought a true crime book by Anne Rule, which S had suggested), my cashier was a girl I had graduated from high school with! It was 5 minutes from closing, so I talked with her quickly, and then she had to kick me out! Haha!

I had today (Monday) off. I slept until noon and felt like shit when I woke up. I didn't do ANYTHING today. I watched two movies: Urban Legend and Jawbreaker. UL was kinda cool, but Jawbreaker SUCKED. Don't watch it if you haven't already. The only thing I liked about it was Rebecca Gayheart. She's so pretty. She was in UL too.

I think my diet is caput. I'm so upset. I still want to lose weight, but I'm not focused on it. I'm so distracted by everything else -- moving, jobs, in-laws, the new house, AND MONEY. Funny how this should come full circle. I really want to pay off my credit cards and then destroy them all, to live on cash alone. Credit cards aren't necessary.

That's all for now. I'm so tired even though I slept 12 hours last night. To bed.

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