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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Shitty day | 02.21.02 9:21 am

I think I might change my name to something more meaningful.

I went to the townhouse last night to feed the cat. The carpet guys were still there and they had fed her! I took all sorts of measurements, and then I went to Home Depot. I got there 45 minutes before they closes, unfortunately, so I only bought a shower rod and a book on interior design. R and I stayed at his mom's house last night. Fun. I woke up and got ready. As I headed out the door, I realized I couldn't find my purse. Now I'm pissed. I think I left it at R's friend's house last night. And then we hit a squirrel on the way to work this morning! AH! That made me cry. I can't explain why. Stupid humans. We destroy everything.

So here I am, twiddling my thumbs again. I'm sick of it. This company is going to find someone else for this position because I'm not willing to do the overtime that they want me to do. I'll switch to another department within this company. So I'll be an admin for a month or so. The woman I'm replacing had a heart attack last weekend. Hopefully she'll be back to work in a month. Even if she's not, I'm out of here. I want to work someplace closer to home, where people don't bitch about each other quite so much. I was really spoiled at my last job. I just didn't know it.

Everything seems so futile right now. Like I can't accomplish anything. I would work on planning out my house, but I had the measurements in my purse! Damn it! I just want to crawl back into bed, assume the fetal position, and drool away the rest of the day.

Oh, icing on the cake. Somebody just came in and called me a Jersey girl. I shit on them.

I grew up in Massachusetts, damn it!

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My current state is: The current mood of at

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