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Angel Without Wings
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I'm such a bitch - 128 | 03.07.02 11:59 am

Hello there, all new readers, especially those originally from C-ford who I have *cringe* given this address to. And to those following Susan's link from the Thin Pages. My counter is going to explode. Anyway, I hope you don't find me dull. And if you do, screw you!



So anyway. Still 128. WTF!? I even stayed under 1000 calories yesterday, even though I was stuffed like a turkey. It's amazing what low-calorie, filling foods can do for a diet.

We went food shopping last night. I bought lots of "diet" foods. I bought granulated bouillion so when I'm hungry, I can just get a cup of hot water, stir in the bouillion, and sip. It really fills you up (thanks thintowin!) I also got rice cakes, my old standard. We passed by the jello bins and I got an idea. THe sugar-free ones are so low in calories it's ridiculous. I bought some and made a batch up last night. I prepared what seemed like a tub of strawberry-kiwi jello. THe entire thing was 40 calories. I scarfed it down a little earlier, and now I feel full, plump, satisfied, maybe even a little sick to my stomach. Good.

I've pretty much abandoned my weightloss journal on diaryland. It just wasn't helping me. I've started a journal with food and weight and activities on It's going rather well, except of course that I haven't lost any weight. I WILL, GDI!

I bought 2 videos yesterday on Amazon. One is the intermediate Pilates I've been pining for, and the other is the NYC Ballet workout. I had been bidding on them at ebay, when I realized what a long process it was, and that I kept on getting outbid. I did a price comparison at amazon, and realized that I would pay less there than I would on a bid. SO I just went ahead and bought them! Bad for the money situation, I know. But it's a good investment. If I don't like them, I can always sell them on ebay!!! Ha!

I'm hoping Cel will join me on my 2-pound-a-week endeavor. I need a buddy. I miss having the ana group started by Kara. It helped to have someone keeping track of my goals and pushing me towards them. At the same time, I don't feel comfortable surfing the Thin Pages and Blue Dragonfly, because I don't know who is looking over my shoulder. I really should get back into the habit of looking for thinspiration somewhere once a day, though.

Despite my frustration with this plateau, I have to say I am looking pretty hot! :) Really, I wouldn't normally say something like this, but I'm pretty happy with my accomplishments up to this point.

(((((great big sigh)))))

I'm incredibly bored.

I've decided I'm going to ballet with J and G this weekend. Yay! This is the kick in the butt I've been needing to give myself.

Yesterday, I went to have pictures taken of my car for my safety inspection (insurance crap) and nobody knows what the hell is going on. The guy at the service station was a dick, and first said that I needed to provide the paperwork when I know gdwell that they are supposed to hve the paperwork. Then I presented my jersey registration, and he said he couldn't do it, that I needed to have a mass registration. WTF? That doesn't make any sense. I have 7 days to get the pictures taken after I start the mass coverage of my insurance, but I have 21 days to get the actual registration. So obviously not everyone gets the registration before the safety inspection. I called back my insurance, and they verified the guy was a moron, and they extended my deadline for a safety inspection from 7 to 14 days. Thank the maker. As if I'm not stressed enough. I'm definitely not going back to that place for the pictures. Assholes.

And THEN, I told R that I wanted to get my car registered tonight. The RMV down the street from us is open until 7, and if I leave here at 5, I will get there at 6:30 with my car and paperwork in hand. Well, this morning, R saw me putting the paperwork in my bag, and he said, "You still think you're going to be able to register your car today?" "Uh, yes, why, did we have a conversation I don't remember?" "Well, I have to go to the mall after work to pick up the car charger." Okay, let me just drop everything so you can go get the god damned car charger. Because you know getting the car charger is way more important than registering my car. Jerk. So needless to say I was royally pissed this morning at him. He said I was going to far. Perhaps I was. But I hate the way he acts in the morning. And all day. Like the world fucking revolves around him. He never worries about the things that I need to do or about my welfare. Like when we went to the Celtics. I tripped down the stairs and he didn't even care. He said later he didn't see me fall. Well, yeah, because you were so preoccupied with appeasing yourself and getting something to eat that you were being a fucking dick and pissing me off and the rest of the people in the skybox. He is an insufferable moron.

And I'm going to marry this guy?

What the hell am I thinking?

Some day I will bend him to my ways and he will worship me. That's right. Have no fear for me. He will not walk all over me. He will be dominated. And I will make him suffer for the rest of his days.

(((((evil cackle)))))

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recent entries:

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Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06