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Angel Without Wings
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Dream - Survey | 03.25.02 1:04 pm

Part 2

I just remembered part of a dream I had last night. It had to do with my wishlist which I have listed to the left. Except that the items were the items from the Mix 98.5 Mall. (A local radio station has a password of the day and you get points....) A couple of the prizes on the mix mall have to do with memberships to a sports club in the area. Well, I dreamt that 6 people had bought me 3-month memberships to this gym! And I knew it was because they had seen pictures of me and thought I should exercise more. :( Isn't that aweful?

Hey, here is a survey. I got it from fishnets666, she got it from somebody, yadda yadda yadda, it is originally based on a concept by Friday Five.

15 years ago I...

1. Quit gymnastics and gained all sorts of nasty ass weight.

2. Started getting migraine headaches.

3. Got my first two hamsters.

4. Was obsessed with Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

5. Had no fashion sense whatsoever and my mom made my clothes.

10 years ago I...

1. Was a whiney little bitch.

2. Became hormonal and depressed.

3. Had braces.

4. Got a bob haircut and then a perm.

5. Hated my dad. (For no reason.)

5 years ago I...

1. Cheated on my then-boyfriend and started dating my current fiance.

2. Changed majors from Physics to Music.

3. Had a brainless roommate.

4. Was trying to transfer out of UMass. (To ANYWHERE ELSE.)

5. Loved the dining hall food and food plan.

2 years ago I...

1. Was glad to be living in an apartment and making my own meals.

2. Drove buses as a part time job. (The big 40 ft. ones! Fun! I miss that job.)

3. Tortured my two roommates.

4. Got my kitty!

5. Found something to be anal about every day.

1 year ago I...

1. Started my first real world job.

2. Thought I would go back to school for Chemistry.

3. Knew that R and I wouldn't stay together for too much longer.

4. Visited my friends in England.

5. Found out there is a history of thyroid disease and thyroid cancer in my family.

Yesterday I...

1. Got gussied up and went to a party.

2. Played Dance Dance Revolution for the first time.

3. Helped my fiance beat Max Payne.

4. Made egg sandwiches.

5. Saw a friend I haven't seen since high school.

Today I...

1. Didn't wear makeup.

2. Didn't do my hair.

3. Wore a belt and even then my pants didn't even feel tight.

4. Drank Diet Coke. (Yuck! I prefer Diet Mt. Dew or Diet Pepsi.)

5. Didn't cheat my diet... yet.

Tomorrow I will...

1. Cheat my diet? No, exercise.

2. Wear makeup.

3. Put my hair up. And blow dry it.

4. Drink Dt. Dew. I hate Diet Coke.

5. Cross stitch, I hope!

Five items you have brand loyalty to...

1. Neutrogena (face stuff)

2. L'Oreal (hair dye)

3. Annie's Mac & Cheese

4. Nivea (moisturizer)

5. Pepsi (DEW!!!)

Five snacks you enjoy

1. M&Ms

2. Mrs. Field's or Famous Amos cookies

3. Hot soft pretzels with mustard

4. Blueberry muffins

5. Lay's Potato Chips

Five songs you know the words to, even without the music

1. Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody

2. Anything in Les Mis

3. Anything in Phantom

4. Anything in Into the Woods

(my teenage years coming back to haunt me....)

5. Anything from Jagged Little Pill

Five games you like

1. Solitaire

2. Hearts

3. Asshole

4. Crosswords

5. Other mind puzzles

Five albums that changed your life

1. Jagged Little Pill

2. Little Earthquakes

3. Pieces of You

4. Spirit

5. Not an album, but "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)"

Five things you can't live without

1. Deoderant

2. Moisturizer

3. Face soap

4. An internet connection

5. Distractions

Five things you would buy with one thousand dollars

1. Clothes

2. Artwork

3. Classical music

4. Surround sound and other audio gadgets

5. A piano, if you can buy one for that much

My top five guilty pleasures

1. Food

2. Surfing the web, esp. diaryland

3. Food

4. Tanning

5. Food

Top five musicians lately -(or who's in the CD player right now?)

1. David Gray (still)

2. Pink Floyd (always)

3. Travis

4. Tori

5. Led Zeppelin

Top five locations I'd like to run away to:

1. England

2. Switzerland

3. California

4. Germany

5. Scotland

Name five bad habits you have

1. Picking my nose (EW!)

2. Drinking caffeine

3. Saying "I mean,"

4. Saying "You know" (not very often any more)

5. Speaking before thinking

Name five people currently on your bad side:

1. Ex #1 (as he always will be)

2. A certain friend who I'm very privately having issues with (no one here)

3. My parents for trying to pull me into their new business

4. My uncle and his entire family for not talking to and visiting my Oma more often.

5. That guy in the other office, the one who reads over my shoulder.

Name five things you'd never wear:

1. a tank top in public

2. baggy teeshirt in public

3. capris

4. bell bottoms

5. platform shoes

Name five TV shows you like:

1. Simpsons

2. ER

3. X-Files, the first 5 seasons

4. Family Guy

5. Seinfeld

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

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