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Angel Without Wings
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Calm - ??? | 03.25.02 10:36 am

Hmmm... how many different things can I find to complain about?

I'm cold. Very cold. Partly because I didn't blowdry my hair today. Partly because I'm always cold. I'm sipping on hot water. It helps temporarily.

I feel naked. I'm not wearing any makeup. In an effort to save time this morning, I didn't put any on. (That's also why I didn't blowdry the hair.)

If I had know it had snowed 2 inches last night and was freezing out, I would have blowdried my hair. However, I did not know.

I'm annoyed with Pitney Bowes. Stupid envelope sealer. Drenched half my letters. The other half weren't sealed. Stupid.

I'm tired. Very tired. Less than 6 hours of sleep last night. Although I slept in yesterday. It was wonderful.

I think I've covered all the bases. On complaining that is.

So, I didn't go to ballet on Saturday. I'm annoyed. I wanted to go. But my bowels would not let me. I think I know why this was. But I'm not going to talk about it here. It's just stupid.

Jo had an Oscar party last night. We all dressed up, filled out ballots, and had a contest. I wore my nice plain black diva dress. Saw Jenny, who I haven't seen since high school. Then I came home and R had two friends over. That was cool, because we've been trying to get people to come over and visit. Everybody is either too busy or says it's too far away. I made myself some snacks for today, put away the laundry, put out my clothes for today, and went to sleep.

An uneventful weekend.

We rented three DVDs from Blockbuster. American Pie 2, Caddyshack, and Zoolander. Zoolander was hilarious. We made so much fun of AP2 because it was aweful. Caddyshack was funny, but I've seen bits and pieces of it before. Didn't have that new-movie-thrill.

R obviously didn't go skiing. He went out with his friend on Friday and got home at 12:30, reeking of cigarette smoke, no less. He slept late on Saturday, and didn't go to Killington. He would have left Saturday night and stay with his friends up there, but I guess he was lazy or something. I think we'll be going up this upcoming weekend. I won't have to pay for a lift ticket! Yay!

I made egg, sausage and cheese muffins yesterday morning. I love playing the role of the little wifey. I haven't made egg sandwiches in a while, so it was kind of cool that way. And they were yummy. R was playing Max Payne (which he beat with my help), and I made him his breakfast. :)

So I think I covered just about everything. Slow, calm weekends are good for refreshing the soul. Ahhhhh....

PS For cool pics, see the last entry.

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06