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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Snails trail is just beginning | 04.19.02 11:09 am

Yesterday went okay. Not so smooth, but bearable. R and I went out with Nate to a place in Acton to play DDR. We met him and went to a pizza place first. NO, Nate, I can't have milk products. Or fried food. Or anything else. Just eat something and don't worry about me! I had some vegetable soup and a ginger ale. Then we went back and played. Or rather, they did. There were these 13 or 14 year old asian kids who were just being ASSES. They were throwing around a bouncy ball and one of them was playing with a pool cue. Well, the bouncy ball got in the way. At the end of one of the songs, Nate got off the platform, picked up the ball, and got in their faces. He was threatening them! It was so funny to watch a guy who I know is a computer geek threaten teens. He was talking to one of the kids and another kid piped up, Nate said, "Okay, when I want you to talk, I'll tell you to." HA! So we left. They really were being asses, but did we have to leave? R was PISSED because he had wanted to play so badly! (I don't know why, he has zero coordination and can't dance in the first place. But he IS getting better, I will admit.) So we went home and went to bed. Of course, as we were driving home, I started to get these awful cramps and gas. So actually, as R got into bed, I stayed up for another hour or two waiting for the gas to subside. Ugh. I slept for 12 hours. :) I feel rested, but I don't feel BETTER. WHY? My guts still feel fatigued. Like they are going to piss me off if I mess with them. So far this morning I have had a banana and applesauce. They are already turning in knots a little bit. Nothing too horrendous. Well, i must try to do some work worth money. I'm not doing anything else today to make a profit!

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06