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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Back again - 124 | 05.07.02 7:44 am

What's up with that new layout? Cool, but not what I was expecting.

In you're not a d-land dork, you don't know what I'm talking about, so forget it. Anyway.

So I've been a stranger. Really busy, though.

The good things about that: I've been trying to make money, not slacking so much on the internet, um, what else? Nothing, I guess.

The bad things about that: I have not actually made one single extra cent. And I have not exercised in a month or something. I can feel my body getting soft, even though I still weight 124. What's up with that? I don't like feeling my abs getting weak!

I have put together a plan to build models of the Globe Theatre. It's the closest thing to a business plan I've ever had. I don't know if I will actually make any money on this venture, but there is a market for it. I've built a single model, it's sitting right next to me, and it's SWEET. Needs some decorations and stuff, but it just looks so cool! I've been thinking about doing it for about 2 years, and I can't believe I finally built it.

I wonder if I could take a trip to London to take pictures of the actual Globe and write it off as a business expense. Yup, I could. But will I? Hehhehhehh......

I wish I had a webcam so I could show you what I've been doing.

I'm also working on a freelance project for my old supervisor. I don't know if I've mentioned it in here before? They have 7 labs named after inventors. They asked me to put together a collection of pictures of those inventors so they could put them in the front hallway of the labs. I scanned in some pictures and toyed with them in PhotoShop. Well, nothing turned out how I wanted it to. So I decided to invest in some pens to colorize the pictures. (Of COURSE, they are all black and white photos.) Those little pens are damn expensive! But again, I'll write them off. So I've been colorizing some photos in preparation. I got my pictures developed on Shutterfly (Yahoo!), and I just got them back yesterday, so I'm going to work on those today. Yay! Can't wait! Still have tons of Society stuff to do, too.

I love my life at the moment. If I was making more money, I'd probably be a lot better off, but I can't beat this life. This is what I want to be doing. No boring desk job. I motivate myself, and I WANT to work. God forbid I should actually make money doing this, because I would die happy!

As for exercise, I feel like I have less time to do it than before! I'm at home all the time, and my videos are in the loft, right within view. But I feel like it's a waste of time to exercise.... That's not like me. It's hard to explain. Maybe it's just because I'm so strapped for cash, so I would rather take the time to work.

Kitty found a moth in our bedroom last night. Who needs a tv? Just a kitty and a moth. Hours of entertainment. I think she has spotted a bug just now. Ah, how funny!

So I am now 24. Part of the reason I chose my name here (Angel2327) was because I was 23. 27 is the date of my birthday. 23 doesn't seem appropriate anymore. I'm glad not to be 23. I never liked the number 23. Something about it bothers me. I usually like 3s, too. And 7s. And even though a lot of great things happened to me while I was 23 (engagement, went on meds to treat anxiety disorder, lost 20 pounds, started this diary), I'm still glad to see it go. I'm happy to be 24.

I tried to quit Staples. I walked in a said, "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I need to quit." The manager actually CRINGED. He asked if there was something he could do to change my mind, and I told him that they would have to allow me to change my availability drastically. I love working there, but I hate hate hate working nights and weekends. So we're trying the new schedule. So far, it's okay. Still had to work last Friday and Saturday night, but those were scheduled before that discussion. Something that happened worked MUCH in my favor when negotiating those changes. We get mystery shoppers twice a year or something. They are people from corporate who "DISGUISE" themselves as regular customers and approach associates to ask questions. Last time, the Copy Center at our store got a 0%. Considering we are the busiest Copy Center in the area, that's HORRIBLE. And the fact that it was the lead of the Copy Center (like a manager) who waited on the MS. Well, apparently, I was approached by the mystery shopper this time. And I got a 100%. I think I know who the person was, and he just kept on telling me what a good business woman I was. :) And those results came back the day before I told them I was quitting. Timing is everything.

In a related story, yesterday a woman kept on telling me how polite I was and what a great employee I was, and she said, "Is that your supervisor?" I said yes, and she went over to him and told him exactly what she had just told me. I was blushing. And then he had the GALL to say back, "Oh, she is one of many polite employees we have." Yeah, thanks. Screw you. So I am not a beautiful and unique flower then? Up yours.

I retiled the two bathrooms. R liked the kitchen so much, he dragged me back to Home Depot and we bought some more tiles. The downstairs bathroom looks great now, but the upstairs looks funny. We didn't take great care in choosing the color or design, so the color and pattern does not match the tiles on the walls AT ALL. Oh well. Those wall tiles will probably go at some point, anyway. Can't stand them. They are PINK. And as much as I like pink, it does not belong in my bathroom.

I don't believe in taking showers any more. I hate them. I get bored in the shower! Can you believe it? I used to be so energized after taking a shower, but now it is just a hassle. Showers waste time. Then I have to dry my hair, and that is even more of a chore. It's really too bad that I have such horrible bacteria in my armpits that make me super smelly all the time. I would never take a shower again. As it stands, I must shower. :( R without deoderant smells better than me with deoderant. It's wrong, I tell you.

I joined a choir. I was at Staples on Sunday, and first thing, a guy comes in to use the self-serve copiers. He was having some trouble, so I said, let me do it for you! He was copying two pieces of music, and so I asked what they were for. He said he was the conductor for a local community choir. I told him that I had been a music major, and his ears perked up. I asked him if he knew somewhere I could sing, and he said, "St. Leo's, 6:45 tonight!" AH!!!! So I went, and it was fantastic! Such a great group of people, and they sing well. Only 2 tenors and 2 or 3 basses. !!!! I don't know if that's just because it's late in the season and since some people can't go to the next performances they are not coming to rehearsal??? Well, anyway, the guy I spoke with is Father Peter. A priest. I wouldn't have guessed! Although I should have been able to considering he was wearing one of those rings with a cross on his ring finger.... duh. Anyway, I sang on Sunday for the first time in a LONG time, and it felt SO GOOD. I want to be a soloist again. I want to be an opera diva!!!!!

Not too much of interest going on. I am going to my first Society meeting on the 16th. I will finally meet all the people I've been talking to and working for. Oh, and Attack of the Clones comes out on the 17th!!!! YAY!!!! I'm psyched! has been playing the soundtrack again and again, and it sounds great. It's bound to be fantastic. I love Natalie Portman, to boot. Ugh. I am getting way to excited. Need to chill out.....

I should get going. It's 8:15 and I feel like part of the day has slipped away from me while I've been writing this. Need to get organized and be prosperous.

Live long and.... oh, nevermind.

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06