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Angel Without Wings
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The Hermit | 05.11.02 9:48 am

Once upon a time in a deep dark forest, there was a hermit named Alissa. She liked to live in her little home made in the base of a tree. It was a little dark in there at times, but when the light streamed in through the little windows, there was the perfect balance of dark and light. She prided herself in keeping her little hermit home clean and beautiful. There were pictures on the walls that her ancestors had painted, and a few she herself had struggled to make.

In the living room was a big chair that she loved to sit in and snuggle with her kitty.

The kitchen was clean even though it was constantly in use. She would make pies and cakes and cookies, and cook chickens and hams and roasts in the oversized oven. There was a little pantry crammed with jams and jellies, canned vegetables, and lots of honey and tea.

The bedroom was the coziest room of the little house. The bed was set up on a platform and disappeared beneath the stack of fluffy comforters layered upon it. That's where the kitty spent most of her day. The walled were covered with flowers and drawings made by the hermit. She loved this room with all her heart. In it she kept her hopes and dreams. This was her secret place where she could truly go to hide from the rest of the world.

One day a tall, mean ogre came to take her from her home.

"You're gonna be my bitch," he said.

He dragged the poor helpless hermit to his shack. It looked nothing like her cozy home. It was dark, bare and otherwise unliveable. "You're gonna clean it and you're gonna like it," the ogre said.

The little hermit took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and said, "I can live with this. I am a hermit, after all, I would rather be indoors than out in the world." For a little while, she was fine with the ugly, dank abode. Then one day she opened one of the dingy windows to let in some light, and the ogre shouted, "Shut that right now! You'll let the flies in!"

"But what about the light and the butterflies and all the good things you're shutting out?" said the hermit.

"What do you care about those things? You're a hermit and like staying inside!"

The hermit thought about this. True, she had always loved being inside, but she had always let a little bit of nature and the rest of the world in! How foolish she had been not to realize that!

With that, she told the ogre, "Then I will no longer be a hermit. I will no longer shut the rest of the world out. I will take pride in my home, but I will meet new people, take long walks outdoors, meet the rest of civilization. I simply cannot continue on this path any longer!"

With that something magical happened. The ogre turned into a kind, handsome woodsman, and the ugly shack turned into a spacious log cabin, with several rooms and a majestic fireplace. The woodsman said, "I was hoping you would say that." With that he kissed her.

They took great pride and care of their new home, but explored and traveled and met new people. And they lived happily ever after.


Don't know what possessed me there, but I had it on the brain, and it had to make its way out sometime. Not much of a story, but kind of silly and cute. Oh well. Back to work.

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