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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Thougts on business | 05.28.02 10:28 pm

I'm quite through with working at Staples. I feel like such a liar. Like I can't stick to one thing. I'm a quitter. What's my problem?

And if that wasn't enough, I've gained some weight back.

I was perfectly content with my job at Staples. But R was unhappy with my hours. So I changed them. Which meant I was working with the lead of the Copy Center. She's a royal bitch. She makes my life hell. So I don't like working in the Copy Center anymore. So they put me at the Service Desk more often. That's great, but at 7:00am, there's nothing to do and I'm bored out of my mind thinking that I could be doing so many other more interesting things with my day. Plus, I'm only making $8/hr, which is chump change. I'm seriously in debt at this point, and I need to do something about it. Not to mention that I want to go back to school, and I can't afford it, so I need to get an employer who with help me with tuition. Staples is no longer the way forward. I learned some shit, and now it's time to move on.

Two months. God, I'm such a quitter.

The weight seems to be a catch 22. I want to lose more weight, but as long as I'm working at Staples, I'm bored out of my mind and the only thing I can seem to do to alleviate the boredom is eat. Eat and eat and eat. Candy, chocolate, pretzels, doesn't matter, it's all good. As long as it has calories and clogs my brain. If I'm hungry at all it just sets my mind off and I start going nutty. I feel like I could walk out at any minute. I must not burn bridges. I have perfectly legitimate reasons for leaving, no reason to be eratic about it all. They believe I've done a great job, regardless of the fact that I have only stayed 2 months. I thought there was more of a future in it for me. But I need to make more money and think about the future.


Back to the drawing board.

So my current viable options are:
Globe Theatre
Real Estate
Mailing Service

Globe TheatreSomething I'm familiar with
Have presence online
There is a market
Very little competition
Lots of work
Not sure of amount of need
Customer returns, satisfaction?
Time off?
MannatechFamily involvement
Good training
No set hours
Good products
learning experience
Reputation of MLMs
Controversial company
kind of "fanatical"
Real EstateOwn hours
Love hard work
Something I enjoy
Need to do a lot of learning
Need money to invest
Seems risky if done wrong
E-bookOne-time thing
Could see residuals for a while
Could be small earnings
Dissatisfied customers (must read up on procedural stuff)
Mailing ServiceEasy enough
Working with people
Understand direct mailing
Already have backbone equipment
No change
Great people
Good learning experience
What am I selling exactly?
Money to invest
How long will I stay involved???
Some surveys:

Which era in time are you?

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela

Which Musical Heroine are You? by blusteryvirgin

The Vague But Nice Quiz by blusteryvirgin

take the butt quiz.
and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?

take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura's feeling social.

because i thought this picture was pretty, laura of told me this: "you are an effervescent, happy person, but your friends and coworkers have noticed with dismay that you tend to bark like a dog and lick your knee, elbow, or wrist when left to your own devices. at the age of seven, you took a road trip with your family, and discovered that your favorite state is kentucky. at the age of twelve, you fell in love with the boy {or girl} next door, but were rejected in favor of your little sister. your career path involves animals and/or fashion design, but you will die alone and miserable at the age of 82." whatever will laura tell you??

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

take the cher test.
and go to because laura isn't cher.

take the nyu type quiz.
and then browse around because laura is cool.

take the "what's my fault" quiz.
(and then browse around because laura is cool.)

take the death quiz.
and go to laura = great.

I am 29% evil.
Take the test ::

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