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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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You funny | 06.20.02 5:38 pm

I almost pissed myself laughing when I read this:

"mmmm easy mac - non-perishable foods are my friend. they live in my car with me and almost qualify me for the carpool lane."

You crack me up, funny lady.

I miss you like hell. And no, I doubt they have showers there. I almost wanted to invite myself to join you and her yesterday. But that would have been rude. Plus, I REALLY needed to clean my house. It has been so awful lately. R thanked me several times for cleaning it when he got home.

Kitty thanked me to, in her own way.

I've been looking for jobs. People keep on saying the same thing over and over. The economy is slow. No shit. BUT I'M A FANTASTIC CANDIDATE. CAN'T THEY SEE THAT?

So I'll make do with what I have.

They sent me home early from work today. (I volunteered.) They were overstaffed. Severely. I was so bored I went over to the pen and pencil aisle and straightened it up a bit, and then did the same thing in stationery. What a life.

What a world, what a world.....

Come visit sometime, pretty lady.

Today I wrote down what will be my married name. For the very first time. "R & Alissa...." on an address stamp. Just for fun. The strangest feeling came over me. I was excited. Customers keep on complimenting me on my ring and ask if it's new. No, it's 6 months old. So when's the big day? I have no fucking clue. Back off. Why does everyone ask that? They think I'm one of "those" girls who plans a huge wedding, that I'll have a huge bridal party with girls in puffy pink satin dresses? And the traditional reception. No thank you. I've been very unenthusiastic about a traditional wedding. I always thought I would want one. But now that it is coming down to it, I want anything but. I want R and myself to just head down to the beach one day and get hitched. But I know my family would be disappointed, as well as his. Then I think, well, let's just fly down to Arizona and get hitched, but then his family will be pissed that we left them out. But I don't want to worry about details. I just want to do it. Suddenly. Spontaneously. Without warning. On my own terms.

Listening to: Franck, Symphony in d minor
Thinking: Thank God I bought healthy food today - tofu burgers even
Weight: 126

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06