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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Music, catalyst, food, hearing, memory - 124? | 09.08.02 1:03 am

I decided today that it was time for a new look. I got bored of the lovely angel that is still on my older page. I'm too tired now to change it. It's WAY past my bedtime.

Nothing new or exciting. I got my GlycoLEAN Catalyst and FiberFull today. Take a look at my last entry to see what it's about. My throat is sore and I pray I'm not coming down with something. Anyway, that just means today is not a good gauge of what these things are capable of. Would they even work in just one day? I doubt it.

Wedding plans are going. I get more apprehensive every day.

In order to get into a good MBA program, I need experience. Waitressing is not experience. What to do, what to do....

I listened to NPR today. Listened to some really great Celtic music. Once again lamented the loss of my Loreena McKennitt CD. So I bought a new one off Amazon. I had searched for mp3s first without luck. I only found intros, nothing substantial. Alas, I spent money. :(

I have also thought about teaching music lessons. Could be fun. I don't know who would take lessons from me. But it would be cash in my pocket for something I know how to do. One of the problems is I need a keyboard. Mine was stolen from me back in college. Damn them. They also stole my tape player and stereo system. Lowell trash.

I got the tiara I ordered in the mail, and it just isn't what I expected. it's a lot bigger and just... not... dainty. Clunky. Chunky? Yeah. Gaudy. Fun, but not appropriate for my wedding. Anyone want a replica of the tiara Princess Diana wore at her wedding? I'm certainly not royalty and it doesn't fit me.

I did something I haven't done in a really long time. I left laundry in the washing machine for a week. I was shocked when R told me. In a strange way, I thought I was above that. My memory just keeps getting worse and worse, right along with my hearing. I have a feeling the hearing is because of my massive tonsils, while the memory is likely due to the Zoloft.

Fuck me.

Okay, I haven't had chocolate since... Friday. That was a dire situation. When I'm at work and I start feeling lightheaded, my options are few. The only food we have out back for those situations is energy bars, and the only ones back there on Friday were chocolate. I just needed energy. It's not like I enjoyed it, or even tasted it for that matter! I also had a piece of pie the other day. Bad bad me. I know better. I don't deserve desserts.

Well, I just realized that staying up later means getting up later, and I cherish Sundays. Like your last day on earth. No worries. And then Monday. I hate Mondays.

To bed.

Listening to: the fan
Thinking: Singing Loreena McKennitt songs in my head
Weight: 124?

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My current state is: The current mood of at

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