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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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My brother - thank yous - 126 | 11.07.02 9:49 pm

Writing thank you notes is a royal pain in the ass.

Any questions?

I'm hooked on The Sopranos. R and I finished watching the entire first season on Tuesday, now I feel lost. I want MORE. GIMME!

Today was a rough day at work. For some reason, we were attacked by people looking for food. It was as bad as the weekend! Without the tips to prove it, of course. Things were MAD, even Shauna was a little shaky at times. Some people weren't happy, but most of them were understanding. It's NEVER like that on a Thursday!

My brother just called me asking me if I would be interested in being his web "guru". Basically, I would update his website, seeing at how he NEVER goes online. It would really help out his networking. He offered to pay me. I'm conflicted, because on one hand, he's family, but on the other, I know he won't call me with updates unless he has to pay me. What to do....

A short pointless story: I left the house wearing sunglasses. I had to take them off while on the road, and heavy wet snowflakes starting coming down. Then, it was pouring rain. I got to work and had to put my sunglasses back on. Then it started hailing and chunks of ice were bouncing off the cars outside. And then the sun shone for the rest of the day and the sky was a beautiful blue when I got out of work. Welcome to New England.

I was told I would make a really good real estate agent. :) Now, to actually do it.

I've been sending out my resume with very little response. Mostly emails saying I don't have enough experience. Um, hello? You want me to answer phones? How much experience do I need for that? I've been doing it since I was 5.

My dreams are getting worse and worse. Last night I had one where I had cancer. Britney Spears was there, consoling me. (what?) The cancer part was bad, not the Britney part. But I only had three months to live. I've been writing down my dreams in a journal I bought (I think I mentioned it before.) In another one, R cheated on me, but he was drunk and didn't remember it, so I didn't know what to do. Some other bizarre dreams that were not pleasant. Is it the medication? Did I have such aweful dreams back before all this?

I got the professional pictures from my wedding back. This one is my favorite.

I can hear R talking in his sleep in the other room. Sounds like he's playing Jeopardy or something.

Another thing about these meds, I get killer headaches. Calgon take me away. No little tickling headaches, just massive migraines. S'not fair.

Okay, my concentration is screwy, so I can't talk about anything meaningful. I'll just cut my losses and sleep it off. Bon voyage.

Listening to: R talking in his sleep
Thinking: "In my dreams I'm dying all the time." ~Moby
Weight: 126 - was 124 for the past two days

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06