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karaoke wrap-up - LOTR again - Old Navy - evil scales - XXX | 01.12.03 8:41 am

Tomorrow I start my new job. I'm a bit of everything, all rolled into one.

We went to a matinee of LOTR:TT yesterday. I was kind of disappointed the second time around, probably because it moved slowly, and I wanted to spend more time on the battle scenes, and didn't really want to waste time watching Theoden cry on his son's grave.

I don't like Liss' scale. It's digital, and it's telling me I'm 130. :( Not nice. Although, it could be right.... WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! That's alright, I'm gonna be starting with the weightloss full force with this new job. Could be exciting.

We went to Old Navy yesterday. I'm not an Old Navy person. I've never spent more than 5 minutes in one before. Probably because the only one I've ever visited was at the Holyoke mall around Christmas and all they had was t-shirts left? Anyway, I bought five items for $80, and I was thrilled! I tried on the clothes when I got home, and they look great on me! Here's the awesome part: I bought ALL size 6. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I've been sort of on the cusp between 6 and 8 until now. 130 be damned.

I haven't heard about the auditions. I have a feeling they called on Friday when R was home, and now he knows but he hasn't told me. I talked to him briefly yesterday, but I think he was being an ass, so he didn't really want to talk, and didn't want to give me the message. I probably didn't get it. But even if I didn't, I still want to know!

There are pictures from Karaoke on the web. There's an okay picture of me. My pants are a little too big, so I look like I have a tremendous, funny shaped pudge. Me at Karaoke I was singing Just a Girl by No Doubt. Which I had an absolutely wonderful time singing, I might add. They also have a pic of my bestest friend, Lissy. She was singing Silence by Sarah McLachlan. We're definitely going back there. It was a spectacular time!

Now, if I was a church-going woman, that's what I'd be getting ready to do right now. But instead, I'm gonna go cross stitch. I'm getting to the end of the cross stitching part on this one, just the backstitching left, and that always flies!!!!

Listening to: birdies singing outside
Thinking: I wish I could have slept more instead of having OCD thoughts about tetris
Weight: 130?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!

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My current state is: The current mood of at

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