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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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race the brown truck - gym bunny - 125 | 01.22.03 11:04 am

As I was driving up Route 3 North this morning, on my way to my shrink, I saw what looked like a convoy merging onto the highway. As I got closer, I realized these trucks were brown. They were UPS trucks. A long line of UPS trucks. Like a parade. I giggled to myself as I envisioned myself "racing against the brown trucks." Hehheh... NASCAR humor.

I've become something of a gym bunny. There's a small workout room here, and I've made a practice of going in there every afternoon. The only things they have are a stairmaster, stationary bike (did I spell that right?) and three weight machines. I wish they had a treadmill, but whatever. The owner uses it mostly, so I'm not gonna complain about what he provides himself. I don't think anyone else uses it beside him... and me, now.

My weight has been constant at 125, although I've been unconsciously trying to push it up through my compulsive eating at work. I'm always hungry! I ran out of my protein powder for breakfast, which didn't help. I got some more from last night, so I was finally able to have some this morning. I'm doing a little bit better today. Not so hungry. I was craving salt when I went to the shrink's, so I stopped at Cumby's and picked up some dry roast peanuts. Not only did they satiate my craving, but I'm not hungry now. Yay! Yummy and healthy polyunsaturated fats.....

Since I am at work, I really should get back to being productive. I'm quite proud of myself for all I'm getting accomplished. I forgot what a real job was like.

Listening to: The space heater
Thinking: I have to go to the bathroom AGAIN?!
Weight: 125

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06