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Friday Five - 124 | 01.31.03 8:51 am


Thanks to Beth for sharing this bit of zen with the world... and me.

Time for Friday Five!

1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why?

It's a toss-up. Either She-Ra (she had a cool pet and always won) or Super Grover (much more cuddly and loveable than She-Ra).

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?

Hmmm... I know this is hinting at a thing but what I always wanted and never got was to sign on with a talent agency.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?

I'd say Prague, but at the time my home was in Germany.... so it would have to be Paris - my parents lived in Tucson, AZ at the time. That's, what? A time difference of 9 hours? That's definitely the furthest, then.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?

Ha! The obvious answer is "to act." But deeper, I've always wanted to speak German.

5. What are your plans for the weekend?

Didn't I just answer this last night? Well, to find a job, probably. Go to my niece's birthday party. Ski? Fret over bills. A fun weekend, I'd say.

Well, today is going to be spent finishing up Society stuff and looking for a new job. I really want to go to the gym so that I would have gone to the gym every day this week and last. And I have a therapy appt at 5:15. Oh, that will be lovely.

Listening to: Lovely Classical Stuff! - Schubert
Thinking: Can't keep my eyes open, damn Zoloft
Weight: ??124??

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My current state is: The current mood of at

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