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Karaoke - my weekend - the benefits of being female | 03.03.03 8:43 am

I love my Lissa K.

Lissa, Nichole and I went to karaoke on Friday night. It was a blast. The KJs structured the night around Mardi Gras, and there were all sorts of awards and prizes and things. I won the trivia contest, so I got to sing an extra song, which of course I sang with my Lissa K. :) I got all sorts of emotional because we sang Foolish Games, and I love that song and I just love singing in harmony with her! It was tight!

Saturday, we woke up late and I went with Lissa K to pick up Ben. What a cutie! He was all smiles and called me Silly Lissa. We played for a while and then he took a nap. While he was napping, I left without saying goodbye. So mean of me. :( I drove home (1.5 hours) and when I got home I got an IM from Lissa to please call because Ben was looking for me. He wanted me to "be behind the door" or something like that? :) Saturday night I stayed up until about 6:30AM. I just sort of forgot to go to bed. I was working out the numbers for my home business. Turns out I almost broke even. I made a net loss of $40. Not too bad considering I went sort of berzerk around April and couldn't control my spending. I've decided to reopen my Globe Store (much to my own dismay because it causes me such anxiety) because it seemed to bring in a good portion of my earnings last year.

Sunday, I got up around 1:30 PM and immediately started to clean. I did laundry, picked up, and vacuumed. The downstairs looks fabulous. My office is a sty, but what else is new? At least I'm working on it. I've shredded tons of old statements and cleaned out some drawers to make way for more organization. R came home yesterday afternoon from skiing and we went out to dinner. I hadn't eaten anything all day except three rice cakes, so I was a little piggy at dinner.

We went to bed at 8:45PM last night! We were both so exhausted. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, and I was immediately awake. So I got up and ate breakfast, then did some of the things on my To-Do list. Around 5:45 I thought maybe R should get out of bed because he was supposed to go to the gym, but there he was, all dressed and had gotten back into bed. He was determined not to go to the gym. I kept telling him that he should go and it was good for him, and he kept saying, "No, I'm not going, leave me alone," like a little kid.

After he left (at 8) I thought, hmmm, I'm really hungry, still. The only thing that looked appealing was some Indian food, of all things. I took out the Basmati rice, but that stuff takes forever to make on the stovetop. I looked at the microwave directions and started to prepare it in a tupperware container. Wouldn't you know it, I melted the container. It smelled like burnt popcorn. The smell was fresh on my mind because I burnt some popcorn on Saturday. Oops. So I had to throw everything away (grrrrrrr) and make some shitty 5 minute rice. But back to my bizarre craving - it was some potato mix with spices, very hot. I took a couple bites and thought, what am I doing eating this so early in the morning? I'm going to make myself vomit. But it did not happen and it was very yummy. I sincerely hope I'm not pregnant. I'm on the pill and all, but I've heard stories about women on the pill who have gotten pregnant. I'm just having these extremely bizarre food cravings alternating with extreme nausea. Maybe I'm just nutz.

P.S. I just got a phone call from Dennis. He works at an ER part time. Yesterday, a guy came in who was passing a kidney stone. The stone got stuck. At the tip of his penis. And this was no round stone. It was like one of those prickers that attaches itself to your pants when you're walking in the woods and about half the size of a pea. How did they remove it, you ask? Several people held the guy down while the doctor grabbed his pecker, pulled the head back to expose the tip of the urethra, and pulled the stone out with forceps. Hehhehheh.

Listening to: Vertical Horizon
Thinking: I hate Mondays
Weight: ???

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