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Angel Without Wings
i'm not here - this isn't happening

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Cast and crew | 12.04.01 9:13 am

Me - I was born and raised in a suburb of Lowell, Massachusetts, the birthplace of Bette Davis and Olympia Dukakis. Not that that is very important. It was a great place to grow up, and I have lots of great memories. I moved to Germany my sophomore year of high school with my family, moved back to Mass. for Junior year and lived with a friend and her family, and when my parents moved back stateside I moved back in with them for senior year. I attended UMass Amherst, where I met my fiance, and I graduated with a degree in Music, although I also majored in Physics, Biology, Biochemistry, and Theater during my time there. Junior year of college I made an exchange for one semester to University of East Anglia, England. Then I took a semester off and lived with my best friend and her husband. Now I live in New Jersey, although not for much longer. I am moving back to Massachusetts in January 2002. I have an odd but exciting obsession with cross stitching. And I'm trying to lose weight because I want to model.

R - my fiance, chemist, ski instructor, he loves to hike and bicycle and listen to Tool and steals all my good CDs and doesn't return them

Joplin - my kitty! She is the best cat ever.

Kelkey - Another one of my cats, she was born on my porch senior year of high school, and she is my baby. She lives with my parents in Arizona.

Gonzo - Kelkey's brother, a year older, he is appropriately named, he's NUTS. He also lives with my parents. He's actually feral, but a sweetheart, and will only sit with my mom, but only when she is reading or sleeping. He'll start to trust me if I stay at my parents' house longer than a week. He used to trust me all the time!

Parents - Lovely people. Retired to Arizona at the end of my freshman year at UMass. They are in their sixties. Dad was born in Czechoslovakia before moving to the US when he was 19. He went to UMass too. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force before he retired and became a civil servant. Now he is completely retired and coaches soccer for 11 year old boys. Mom is a book worm. She also loves chatting online with her book club buddies and has gone to several conventions in Illinois and Texas to meet them. She is brilliant. I take after her in many ways, although the brilliancy is not one of them. She takes on lots of new hobbies but never sticks with one. I am just like her in that respect. We are both jacks of all trades, masters of none. Although I think she is a master of the English language.

My siblings -

To be continued!

Listening to:

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

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Losing control - 135 07.11.06
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Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06