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Angel Without Wings
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Spa weekend - 132 | 07.03.06 8:10 am

Is it strange that my scale weighs differently facing different directions? Facing west, I generally weigh 2 pounds more than when I face east. Hmmmmm... yeah, must just be the floor. :) So I've been doing much better with my eating and actually exercising a good amount.

On Thursday, I wanted to eat pie. I had actually had an oatmeal pie or something earlier... so I got on the treadmill for the second time that day and then had my pie!!!!! It's all about evening it out, I guess. And what's better, I felt really good the next day.

To sum up last week, Monday I didn't want to get up early so I didn't exercise. Tuesday I somehow managed to shut off my alarm, so I didn't have time to exercise, but I did it in the evening. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I exercised in the morning, and Thursday evening I also exercised. And THEN, on Saturday, I did as well. WOW! I'm really happy about that. I even threw in some arm exercises with 5 lb weights, and it's a good thing too. I must have been getting weak, my arms were so sore on Friday and today.

Yesterday, 6 of us went to Foxwoods to go to the spa. No facials or massages or anything, but we did sit in the steam room for a good amount of time. That was awesome! I felt really refreshed and like I had done some serious exercising. It was weird -- I didn't eat much yesterday, and no one really wanted to stop for lunch. I had an apple and a pina colada... then we went into the steam room, and wasn't hungry any more. I drank a ton of water and two cans of fruit juice. Lisa and I stopped at Wendy's on the way back, but she didn't want to stay and eat (I wanted to get back home, too, so that was okay) but there really wasn't any vegetarian on-the-go food to be had! So I choked down 1/2 of a side salad before I turned the car back on, and then ate french fries. (No, I never eat french fries, but I couldn't think of anything else to eat on the go, and by now I really hadn't eaten anything all day!)

So, all this said, I weighed 132 this morning.... facing east. ;)

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My current state is: The current mood of at

recent entries:

Bah - 138 07.19.08
Losing control - 135 07.11.06
Spa weekend - 132 07.03.06
Drinking too much - 134 06.27.06
Okay weekend - ??? 06.26.06